The Mermies are in da house!

Mermaids have always been a favourite of mine to paint.

When I was little SPLASH with Darryl Hannah and Tom Hanks was my favourite movie. I cannot tell you how many times I watched that movie (but I could quote it line for line!)

My sister and cousin would play ‘splash’ for hours in the summer in my grandparents pool, swimming like mermaids, making that high pitched ‘eeeeeee’ noise that Maddison did.

And when winter arrived and we were hanging out together we would play on dry land – using an old blue tarp as our ‘ocean’.

Twentyish years later I watched splash again with the terrible trio and lets just say it wasn’t a surprise to me when they wanted to watch it again and again, and that they then started to play their own version of ‘splash’ on the trampoline and swing sets!

So given my obsession with them, it is no surprise that my paintings would feature these beautiful creatures.

These ones are from late last year and very quickly found their forever home (the paint just dried!) but I feel a new mermie painting brewing so don’t be surprised if you see one pop up around here soon.

Splash wasn’t the only movie we would ‘play’ Goonies, Star Wars, Care Bears and Battle of the Planets were also big favourites for us to take from the cinema (or VHS tapes!) to the backyard! What about you? I would love to know which movies you ‘played’!


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