SHELTERED [a 2018 painting]

Sheltered was a painting that really pushed some of my boundaries. 

  1. She was a new painting – this is always a little daunting to begin with!
  2. She was a size I have never painted before – I mean she was BIG.
  3. Her hair was newish for me – I hadn’t ever really painted braid before and been happy.

But once I put paint to canvas and figured out my workspace, she just seemed to flow.

At the time I was painting her I was a jumble of emotions, and I couldn’t really say why she appeared on my canvas, I hadn’t sketched her before, and the sketch I did on canvas was very basic. I just know that in the weeks I painted her, she sheltered me from thinking too much and loosing myself.

And I think this is why she is one of my favourites this year. 

And I think this is why she was snapped up almost as soon as the paint dried. She has gone to a great forever home.

This is ‘Sheltered’

If you want your own copy of sheltered she is available in my print shop here


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